istriet 207
1980-81 staffing plan
At its March 24 meeting,the
secutive year that District 207 two years, no tenuied tachera
Board of hducation of Maine
hashadtoeliminatemorethan35 those havingcompIeted wo
T wnship High School 01st let
tea hIng P0 ittons becaus
years ofoervice with DIstrict 207
declining eorothneot aod finan-
witt he released.
ciat reotrictioos.
In 197f aod 1979 the. Board of
Edocatioo had to tay. off 16
designates that 34 firat year tenured teachers because of
prohati000ry teachers will be .dectioiog .
eorollmeot and
terminated aod that.oixsecood
decreasing . reveoaes. The
yearprohationarystaffmembero majority of those teoured
will he released. Uolike Ihe past
teachers released were rehired
2O7 approved a staffiag plan for
the 198001 school year which will
. . resait laa redjittion of 40
teachiog positions.
The ochool district carreatly
. employs 575 fall aod part-time
teachers in the four Mame High
Schools This is the second coo-
96639OO-1.4.. .
Bt5ob MIocot
Village ofNiles
. '
2o'r copy
, ..
.y David (Bod) Besser
.-, Wejeceived several letters lo the editor thisweéh coo-
cembjg next week's NUes Lihrary electioo,which we're sol
We have long had a policy not to print letters the
week. precedmg an electisa coocerntng candidatos and
tannes. Obvtoasly, if we pahlished them, those candidates
who arèoupported or criticized have an anfair advantage or
disadvantage, since rehuttal letters cannot be printed until
afterthe election.
The battle io the lthrary dmtriel concerno the older hoard
members trying lo defeal newer hoard member Harry
Early Sooday moratag we received a telephone call from
older hoard memher Marty Hodeo teUlog us a wrtte-ir. cao-
didate woald actively be seeking a hoard memherpooilion,
and Hades implied he would he napportiog his candidacy.
Monday morning we received letters from anotherolder
heard memhor, Ldoyd thiel, awiformer hoard member,
Lois Grant, beth of whom are rsoniog with Pestbse for the
lwoopenlngn forthe Oyear term.
Hodes, Gillet and Grant seemed tohave joioed forces wilh
thé write-in candidate in their attemptuto defeat Pestine.
. .
Cnntinnedon Page 20
Oakton Board election
Four candidates have filed
nominating. petitions for the
.. Oakton Commuotty College
Bard eteclion scheduled for
: April 12. Attise election, voters
,will,selnct two trustees for full
tersisk of three years each, and
.... .onetrustee to filIthe lhirdyear of
the uoenpired lerm.of Christine
Anderson, Chairman of the Board
of Truoteeo at Oákton Corn-
mnnity College.
Candidates are Greg Rohen
Goslia, Gleoview; Janet Juckett,
Park Ridge; and Ralph M.
toren, Wilmette, who
seektog electton for full three
year terms; and Cecile Vye,
Wilmette, who is seeking election
forlhe one yearterm;
. '
Ms. Anderson resigued from
the Board, effective April 11,
i0o, hbeause she and her family
Continued on Page IL
: ...Maké
Although Riles .ctttzens
received cousus istmo addressed
lo Çhicago, Illinois, the surveys
are coded and will he vomited as
Rilen: Residents may cross out
Chicago and wrtte ta Nibs if they
Park District
Be sore not to miss the Nibs
Park District's aosual Easter
party on April 5 81 Grennan
Heights Gym, 8255 Okolo ave.
The fon starts at Peler
Cottootatl will joinm for all sorts
of games, . goodteu and prizes!
Why not bring a camera and take
a pictare 01 yoor chtld with
everybody's "forry friend".
Children of all ages are tovited
and though there is no cost, pou
can he sore there will he lots of
laughter andfan forait!
Free blood
.ao'aresnit of attrition, thacher
resignätlons and retirements -
.qjisliifsg Up positions, Dr Richard
.Slh!t; Superintèndent of Schools,.
reported. Hé advised that all-of
those tenured teachers released
because of declining enrollment
were, giventhe opportunity to
. Of the 40 teachingponitions to
be eliminated for the l980-tl,
pear, Dr. Short said, mont of the
positions are-in the area 5f
required courues, such an..
English, sucial studien, science
and physical educaBan.
He esplatoed, "The fact that
we anticipate 000 fewer students
sent year than wehave presently.
clearly mandates -where staff
reductionnmsint occur. There are
Canttnuedonroge 20..
Polls open from noon to 8 p.m.
An5 election for the Board of
Trustees - of- the Ribes Public -
Library District wilt he held on
Tuesdqy,pñl t.,......
Polls will hespes from.12 soon -
io 0 p,.n?. Nibesilds living oorth of
Dempoter nl. will vote at the NOes
Brànch Library, 9010 Milwaukee
ave. Those residikg osoth of
Dempster sl.
will- vote is the
Malo Library, 6OtOOaktonst.
Candidates seeking to liii two
full terms of t years each are:
Lloyd Gibbet (elected incumbent!,
Harry Postine (elected incom-
bent! and Lots B. Grant: Unop-
posed for a 4-year term on the
board in Judith J. Czysewicz (in-.
combent(. Also unopposed and
seeking a .2- year term in Irene
Absentee ballots are suw
available for tls
Nitos Library
Board of Trustees election.
Voters whdwillnot be in the
. district on -Tuenday,April 8, eIer-
tion day, or whowill he observing
a reltgioau.hulidáj, or those who
are,ill sad physicallyuoable to
come lo,the polling places may
receive aboeatee haUsto by ap-
plying to Harry Festine, the elec.
tino elects. '
The applications can he ob-
tamed thrsogh the mail prior to
April 3 or io person prior to 4pril
5. Requests for ballots should be
. -
mailed lo Harry Festine, Eier-
ttoo Clerk, at the Main Library,
6566 Okt00 st., NOes, Ill. 60648,
or picked up is persan at the
Main, Branch or Bookmobile
Térrapin members
Peggy Thompson, Dan Jenuen, Heather GriseO, Jeff Nonkervin,
Sharon Jeyce,and Steve Dickson will present featured nombers in
the-Terrapin ohow, 'Games People Play", ta he presented April17
at 7:30 and April lI and 10 at 8 p.m. Tickets will be ävallahle at the
- . -. . .
FREE hbond pressure readinga
will be taken on Thursday, Apnil3
from 4 liii t p.m. at the Nues Ad-
ministration. Building,
Milwaukee ave. No appointment
in necessary, wattiog is osually
Take a few minutes and find
ont If you have high blood
pressure. There .
are no 5pm-
ptnmn 50 you have no. way of
your pressdrn
elevated unless you have regular
blood pressare readings taken.
Hypertension .ia treatable with
medication and should he started
at the earliest indicattun for
nsaximum benefit.
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