Apollo® 800Flybuddy™Quick Reference GuidefnUDJZBOlir'A Un/tarf PmromI Swrvio» CompmnyIf Warn or Alert light flashes, press(s^ and turn ^ to view
Emergency Search (Nearest Waypoint)1. [nav)[nav] Activates the Nearest Waypoint listing.Database Name Ranking (1 to 10) Identifier i i i NAVa r p tN
1.2.3.Two Leg Flight PlanPDX to nextIn NAV mode, turn the Control knob to display the From/To/Next page, press SEL to activate editing, and turn the C
FPLwPressing ENT stores the waypoints for the leg, and allows entry of the To waypoint for the second leg. Use the Data and Control knobs to choose th
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