_INAL PAG ;__ EIS POOR1970011707-011
LAUNCII COMPt,EX 39• Launch Complex 39 (LC-39), Kennedy Space Center, Florida, provides all thefacilities necessary for the assembly, checkout, and la
• Om O " _ ' • , "___U¢IBIL.J TY.OE THE ORIGI.N_ALPAGEIIS,POOR_/1970011707-018
MOBILE LAUNCHERThe Mobile Launcher, figure 8, is a transportable steel structure which providesthe capability of moving the erected vehicle to the lau
GROUND SUPPORT EOUIPMENTA computer controlled automatic checkout system is used to accomplishcheckout or testJn] of the launch vehicle when in the Ver
I Inh_irwl(dL,aunchFig,.'_"g F__,E... --- ' Z!1970011707-022
i! I ,l_Z.fof_I I II IIf_ul,'t_pt_En£;n_.Cufo'F_ Er_b_eNOLin 14"5EcI II I/_ FD3 Enqi_¢ CutoCt EnaSIt - Omi_ 50}¢c! I! I# - I %1 I"
o%I,', I- °_, 5/r "_,¢rol D;_abl_ ,.-,2hr-3Srqin/_O_/H2 Burner On -- :]Smi_I/_ LOX ¢ LH z C..hilldouJn Pu_p Or, ..-. 2hr _&rnln_5-1V_ Ul
LHz Vlnf VaJv£ Close N .5hr 05 m;n I/I U Command _ t"ent Enable --' 3ht-IOr_;n1°I• .• m #I Ii I I.i /_ kbl2"]'ank L_rtching i_elie
{_ "r_,e,oslor, e2,¢"l:_'_e._'ho_"l',,h:bi'l-(6/C_wi_tch). NOTE: in o_e.r fo poor;de ¢_o¢Tl)_g _',_E_,-_h O,-b
CUIDANOE AND CONTROL SYSTEM (G&C)• F_,nction and DescriptionJ e G&C system provides the following basic functions during flight:I. Stable posi
ABBRF,VIATTOI_S AND ACRO,_fMSac (AC) Alternating Current H2 HydrogenAccel Accelorometer lle HelII_AM Amplitude Modulation liP High Pressureamp Ampere
SPACECRAFT BACKUP GUIDANCE AND CO;;TROL/F_M,_IAI,ATTITUDE COi_"I';<OLCAPABILITYThe Launch Vehicle Flight Control Computer will accept att
!EMERGENCY DETECTION SYSTEM |The Emergency Detection System (EDS) is designed to sense and react toemergency situations resulting from launch vehicle
LAVNCII VEIIICLE SECURE P_%NGE SAFETY .,¢\'_'i'c"¢',,.• ,..,The Secure Range Safety Systems, ]ocatcd on th,, S-IC, S-II and S
• 78 v,'., .e <"_'r,4 i'/_ )tB,,,_-, ,., _-i)• C<:.-.L_:,.PQ £, ?1-,-':v.-.t.,.:,.i5"'1"],ob,_<l t _L
MEASURI_E._' S_$T_The ve_icle measurement systems senses performance parameters and feedssignals to the stage a._dspacecraft telemetry systems. I
.AS-506Launch VeldcleMeasuremc_nt Summary ** Included illLaunchVehic]_.Totals-- j " I i,Designation ,, S-IC S-if S-IVB IU [| Totals_ccel. Flow Ra
, COMMAND _.ND CO_MUNICATION INTERFACES }:OR MISSION CONTROLMission Control Center (.UCC) Manned Spacecraft Cehter, Houston, Texas.Contains communicat
i i"- - _'..• \ o -W_ff)c,..&ch! •{ / _" ' V,e.ce;ve --5690 mc :i • Cvy,..,_al 6wi_ch dvive_ by Con-,pbve'tbY" _.• .
SPACE VEIIICLE WEIGHT VS FI.IGIIr TI:.I}"l.l,iir, stage pr'pella1_ c_,' u;_4_ti,,.: du_i1_ F, S--]C pc':ercd fl_[.hr (approxi-mate
o\ABBREVIATIONS _ANDuACRO[;)_IS(Cont'.._d)NAR North American Rockvell USB Unified S-BandNASA National Ae_onautlca and SpaceAdministration Vel Vel
iiS-IC STAGE STRUCTUREThe S-IC stage is approximately 138 feet lo-g and 33 feet in diameter andis powered by fiv_ liquid-iuei_d Rocketdyn_ F-I engines
_Fo_r+,_rd.s.i..,r_t ',_ _++_,_+,' / ;,... _----__.--+II _c._ I t I ... .U_'... (.aI I". I, L,,,, III -Conditioned
F-I En_2_.IneOperationThe F-I engine is started by ground support equipment. Ground fluid pres-,:_. r s ports in the main LOX valves. Opening of the m
S-!rC ST.\GE PROPELLAI(T SYS'J t,7,ITile S-IC stage propell:,nt svstem is co:,lpnsed of one LOX tank, one RP--1 tank,prope11;mt ]ines, control va
_r_und Pr_ur_ S_'tch\• I/ f 20s_'_p"_ 1 o_,,.. 2_.s,,i_'/ i___'_'_1 o_- 24_,_ !/ in"6! , II ! --'1_ 31co.f&apo
,¢_,!S-IC SI'AGE TIIRLI'ZTVkCT9R CONTROL S_. _EI-iThe fo_,r outboard F-I engines are gimbal mounted on the stage thrust_tructure to provide
GENERALINFOIiI4ATIONAbbreviations 2List o£ _isuree 4Mission 5mmary 6 .Dintribution List 92/LIST OF FIGURESIsGENERAL1 Countdown Sequence. ... , . . .
S-If STAGI" STRUCTUREThe S-II stage ib a large cy]Indrlcal booster approximately 8] feet in lengthand 33 feet in diameLer. The _tag¢: is powered
•bv_t:-'l_,goO Ib'_.,_t }'11 Iq,_ifion: ID_a_,qOOIk_, ,,/t__,'11CufuF_':" q4,xa(l_lb,_•At'5-11"_p_ra_ior_:..,
J-2 EN(; NE OPE,.AI_ON S-If STAGET_ ,perating cycle of the J-2 Engine consists of prestart, _ttatt, steady-..tat, :. _ation and cutoff sequences. Duri
S-II STAGE PROPELLANT SYSTEMThe S-If Stage propellant system is composed of integral LOX/LH 2 tanks,propellant lines, control valves, vmts, and prepre
P LHz Tank Venf Valve {.2)--15_, 2_o tb_ LK._ i". Res_ia_or of.m, -?._ --'[3seconc[s aN_r 5-11t' _jniHort ¢_1drdm_a;nstiLl%. F_Hana Dra
S-II STAGE THRUST VECTOR CONTKOL SYSTE_I: The four outboard J-2 engines are gi_bal mounted to provide thrust vector ._eontro] during powered flight. ,
i LIST OF FIGURES (Continued)i Tit__1! S-IX STAGE (Continued), 33 S-II ElectrlcalPower and Distribution System.. , ... 6034 S llTelsmetry Sy
IJ-2 ENGINEOPET_ATIONB-lV_ STAGET'n_operating, cycle oi the J-2 Engine consists of preetartj startt steady-stat_ operatlo_ snt! c_toff sequence_,
e 41_e'
! $-TV_ STAGE PROPELLANT SVST__ite S-JV_ stage propellant syst+,m is composed of integr;ll LOX/Lil 2 tankg,p._opo._._nnt iin_ control vaJvP.s 9 vents
\!i4• _ S-IVB TBRL'-ST VECTOk COntROL SYSTEMi.The single J-2 F_gine is global mounted on the lengltddtnaI axis of theiS-IVB Stage to provide pitc
This document Is prepared jointly by the Marshal) Space Flight CenterLaboratories S&E-ASTR-S, S&E-AERO-P, and S&E-ASTN-F_D The document pr
"%--I'!0 p_i9 | Vehicle Thrust _t_!! I _... " - , I / Ad_tor \ i-)' _ . :, bri,te_ Engine.put 80_ af __E_50+_Opi_ M _O°F)) _ _o
\AUK_LIAR¥ PROPULSION SYST_The S-1VB Auxiliary Propulsion System (APS) provides vehicle attitude control_. ._,jringpowered flight in the roll axis onl
,.S-IVB STAGE PROPELLANT MANA(;L'MENTSYSTE,_!lThe propellant manap, er_ent system provides a means for _ontrolling andmonitoring prope]lant_ duri
INSTgUHENT UNITThe Instrument Unit is a cylindrical s'tructt_rc arproximately 260 inches inditeter and 56 inches high which is attached to the fo
As the vehicle rises from the launch pad, a yaw maneuver is executed to tnsurethat the vehicle does not collide with the tower in the event of w
ENVIRON_._ENTAL CONTROL SYSTEH (ECS)The Environmental Control System (ECS) has been developed to maintain anacceptable _perating environment for the I
I_/I'IVB _vi_m_.t"al ' ---19700"I1707-08,5
-%r - °.SPACECRAFT DESCRIPTIONL The Spacecraft for the AS-50_ mission is composed of:Launch Escape System (LES)Command Module (CM);. Service Module (S
IIa_ioI t fError" J Guidance Jba LCom_nd_Error" I Co_,,_ J P_ef\ I Module I5ub_#e_i i Z_V Power"I n,l,,, /.c_ronic_ q PowerI (AccM.,5&q
"__M To_ To_P_ To_Mdetti_,o¢_ E_;mb_l Eir_bal ,3¢ffi<Jot_i-_, _ao 1i Jl !-.Oni_ I un;_ lS51970011707-089
_¢.: tblock]]. (manrted,)• --,lO0Ib-_ "TT_rv_r_ach/_¢,z ."N1970011707-090
_ _V,_,l._mL':_ 8"f "' Ii1970011707-091
a PRou..'!I_IBI_LITYOF,THE e]@[_I_J__• _ ,,-"55,_00 Ibs.1JV_idJrh"-"3_0i,_ (;t.q'__'x'l'endcd)•Di_e?er~t'
Lunar Hodu]e Desccr_t. Approxlmntely fourteen hours later, two membersof tilethree man crcw, (A[_istrongand A]drin), wJ]1 enter the I_ through theconn
odoi"Af_it_a _af_. _"' l• I Tr_la 0Ì_on_roller / h;qltal Uplinl_J' ! -- Mu_IcationTr_.',_i_¢ion I¢ _dar /
VH_ 5-5ond _-lSand 5- bar_JInf'li_Wt EVA Cr_n; 5_,'e.rabl& [/ccfabl_A,_+_nna Arrf_r_ra. A,Nenr_a¢ A,vl'e_,,a An+,:_na' I1 if,-
MOON St;_.7A_Eti f.)/A (Ev,fr._Vih;c_lar Ac _,lt cx,n'_i_.'i-oF;* Lu.,-_¢ W,Bllc' • • , :_ll< 4, "at': ,_,_d rock "_t
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