Apollo SL15-CD Manuel d'utilisateur

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This section provides detailed operating instructions for the Apollo SL15-CD
Audio Control Panel with the integrated CD15 Remote Compact Disc player.
Please read it carefully before using the equipment so that you can take full
advantage of its capabilities.
This chapter is divided into five sections covering the basic operating areas. They
are Audio Selector, Transceiver Selection, Intercom, CD operation and Marker
Beacon Receiver.
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Résumé du contenu


Page 1OPERATIONGENERAL INFORMATION1.1 SCOPEThis section provides detailed operating instructions for the Apollo SL15-CD Audio Control Panel with the i

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Page 101.8 Compact Disc OperationThe two push buttons at the far right of the SL15-CD Option CD control the com-pact disk operation. Inserting the dis

Page 3

Page 11Warranty and Service2.1 WarrantyIn order for the factory warranty to be valid, the installations in a certified aircraft must be accomplished b

Page 4 - OM 1 to COM 2 and watch the

Page 12© 2002 by UPS Aviation Technologies, Inc.2345 Turner Rd., SESalem, OR 97302 USAPhone 503.581.8101800.525.6726FAX 503.364.2138Canada 800.654.

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Page 2No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means with-out the express written consent of UPS Aviation Technologies, Inc.UP

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Page 3OPERATIONGENERAL INFORMATION1.1 SCOPEThis section provides detailed operating instructions for the Apollo SL15-CD Audio Control Panel with the i

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Page 41.3 Microphone (XMT) Selection (All models)There are six pushbuttons associated with the communications transceivers. The lower buttons control

Page 8 - Table 1:

Page 51.4 Audio Selector (All models)Receiver audio is selected through seven momentary, push-button, backlit switches. You will always hear the audio

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Page 61.5 Split ModeThe split mode can be activated at any time by pressing the desired combination of XMT buttons. For instance, to activate a Com 1/

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Page 71.6.2 Intercom Volume ControlThe intercom volume control is the smaller concentric knob on the left side of the unit. This volume control knob a

Page 11 - Warranty and Service

Page 81.6.4 Entertainment InputThe audio selector panel has provisions for two separate entertainment input devices. The CD-15 remote CD player is usu

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Page 9It is also possible to use just the CD-15 as entertainment input device for both entertainment inputs. However, we suggest that a switch (DPDT)

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