Model SL40 vHF coMM Transceiverlnstallation ManualAJune 2008560-0956-03 Rev CGARMIN*
IntroductionOrnEn RnqurnED MATERTALSThe SL40 is intended fbr use with standard aviation accessories. The followins items arerequired for the installat
InstallationSncrroN 2 - IxsreLLATroNThis section describes the installation of the SL40 including mounting, wirin-e, andconnections. A post installati
Installation.r.- MovnLtnq Frame444 x lA Sccan (4xIFigure 2 Mounting Frame Assembly4-4O x 3/6 Flat f'ead Screw (6x)s ConnecLor Mounttn46racketur E
Installationhead screws so the unit will slide in and out freely. Attach the front of the mounting frame tothe instrument panel. Use support brackets
InstallationSBRIll IxrrRRecnThe SL40 includes an RS232 serial port, which can be used for inputtrng frequency andfunction control commands and outpurt
In,stallationClamp NutStep l.- Slide clamp nut over coax.- Strip coax as illustratcd.- Cut two l/4" slits in jacket 180degrccs apart.Step 2.Braid
InstallationPower *GroundReservedSpeakerHeadphoneAudio GroundsL40 Mic ICOM Mic2Mic GroundTxKeyIntercomRxDSerial GroundI926t4138l574t23l0ll5 amF fuseor
Installation[--;GroundReservedSpeakerHeadphoneAudio GroundsL40 Mic ICOM Mic 2Mic GroundTxKeyIntercomTxDRxDSerial Ground138l5412Jl0l1ComAudio InAudio G
InstallationPosr IrusrarlATloN CurcxourOnce the unit is installed, complete the checkout procedure to verify proper operation. Referto the User's
InstallationMic Level AdjustmentThose units with audio board pln415-7008-01, or later, have the ability to ntake adjustmentsto microphone sensitivity
@ 2004-2008 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.Garmin lnternational, [nc., 1200 East l5 [" Strect, Olathe
InstallationNorEst,SL40 Install ation Manual
Speci/icationsSEcrroN 3 - SppcrFrcATroNSThis section includes detailed electrical, physical, environmental, and performancespecifications for the SL40
Specifications1.Ug- --" 11.452i--I- t4.420II- "']I -----rr!)lr.03E :.2t9Mountrng f1o{e (6x)J---.375t ::-@liiIl--f_t'i'_tlioj
SpecificationsMicrophone input . Trvo inputs, standard carbon or dynamic mic withintegrated preamp providing minimum 70mv rmsinto 10000 loadModulation
SpecificationsRnan CoNxBcroR PrNourTable 2 Connector PinoutPin #UO ConnectionFunctionPower *main DC oower input.,ReservedDo not connect3o TxDRSlSl ser
LimitationsSEcrroN 4 - LturTATroNsINsra[ATroNffi.#TJJi"::. be made in accordance with AC 20-678 or other appropriare FAAOpnRarIoNALfi:"fiffJ
LimitationsNorEs20 SL40 Installation Manual
TroubleshootingAppExDrx A - TnouBLEsHoorrNGThis appendix provides information to assist troubleshooting if problems occur aftercompleting tlre insta
TroubleshootingNorrs22SL40 Installation Manual
Periodic MaintenanceAppExDIX B - PEToDIC MITxTENANCEEeurpruENT CaLrsRATroNThe SL40 design requires very few adjustments or calibration to be made. In
HrsronY oF RnvrsroNsRevision DateDescrintiont2il8t96lnitial release.00A v30t97Modified selectivitv value to 7 kHz.-013il4t97 Chance recommended coax f
Periodic MaintenanceNorEs24SL40 Installation Manual
Env iro nme nta I Qual ific at io nsAppnxDrx C - ExvTnoNMENTAL QueuFrcATroNSThe SL40 has been tested to the follorving environmental categories per pr
E nv iro nment a I Qual ifi c at ionsNorns26SL40 Instal I at ion Manual
S er ia I Da tct Spec i /ica I io nsAppnxDrx E - SEruer ITTERFAcE SpEcrFrcATroNSThis appendix inclLrdes the interface specifications for the RS-232 se
Serial Data SpecificationsSBr SraxDBY FREeUENCYMessage FormatS PMRRC0 I mk a<chksspXsl)0l ...message idmk ... standby fiequency:rn: desired
Seriul Data Spccilications6: AWS, automatic weathcr station > (3Eh) : not defincd, do not use7 : CLR, clcarancc/dclivery ? (3Fh) : undcfincd, for
Serial DataR: normal receiveM : monitor selectedT : transmit enabledS : stuck mics... squelch test setting:0: automaticI : test selectedExampl
Declaration of ConformiManufacturer's name:Manufacturer's address:dec lares that the.follow i ng product :Type of cquipment:Product name:Par
Tahle of ContentsTnnIN OF CONTENTSSECTTON I - INTRODUCTION ... IAsour THrs MaNUAL ... ... IApor-lo SL40 Dps
Table of ContentsAPPENDIX B - PERIODIC MAINTENANCE ...23EqutllalNr Cat-rsRanoN... ...23ClEaNrNc rHE FRoNT Pansl... ..
IntroductionSncuoN I - IxrnoDUCTroNAsour Trtrs Ml.Nu.q.rThis manual describes the installation of the SL40 Comm. It is intended for use by personscert
Introductionaaaaaaaafiorn remote sourceeight last r:sedeight user storedWeather channelsFrequency mon itor functionBuilt-in inlcrconr functionStuck nr
IntroductionThe SL40 meets the additional standards as detailed in the Declaration of Conformityincluded on page 31.Note: Unauthorized changes or modi
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